6.6.4 Voting and decisions
All decisions of the local board are made by voting on resolutions or procedural motions. A resolution is a statement setting out a draft board opinion or decision, whereas a procedural motion is a resolution requiring a particular course of action to be taken under Standing Orders. Both resolutions and motions need to be proposed by one board member and seconded by another before they can be considered.
A simple majority [1] of the elected members present and voting must support a resolution before it is passed. All elected board members have one vote. Additionally the chairperson has a casting vote in the event of a tied vote. Conventionally the chairperson will use their casting vote to support the status quo, however this convention is not a requirement in standing orders. There are three ways in which a decision on a vote may be taken:
On the voices – members supporting a resolution say “aye”, and those opposing say “no”. The chairperson will call the result based on the number of voices in each camp.
A show of hands – members are asked to hold their hands up if they support or oppose a resolution
By division – a division can be called by the chair or any member. Under this system the vote of each member supporting or opposing a resolution is recorded (a second division can be called in the event of confusion).
Meeting minutes will record if a resolution or motion is carried or lost. With a division, the minutes will record the names of those who supported or opposed the resolution and whether it was carried or lost.
Members are able to abstain from voting and may, if they choose, have their abstention recorded in the minutes. A member may also have his/her vote recorded against a resolution.
Where members have a conflict of interest it needs to be declared. In these circumstances members are recommended to withdraw from the debating table and can no longer take part in debate on the item. However, their presence is counted for the purposes of the quorum.