5.3.1 How matters come before the governing body


  1. Reports

    • There are three ways that reports can arise:

      i) through the governing body or committee asking for a report
      ii) through the chief executive arranging for a report
      iii) through the chair providing a report.

    • The chief executive may delay the commissioning of a report if it does not fall within a committee’s delegations or if there is a substantial cost associated with the report’s production [1].

    • The chair may also bring matters to the attention of the governing body or committee through a report if the matter is within the committee’s remit [2].

  2. Extraordinary business

    • Items raised at a meeting that are not on the agenda are considered to be extraordinary business. Reasons for urgency and an explanation for the item not being on the agenda must be provided at the meeting.

    • Extraordinary business may be raised by the chief executive or chair. A verbal report may be provided at the meeting if there is not time to provide a written report. At the chair’s discretion, governing body or committee members may also raise items of extraordinary business [3].

  3. Minor items not on the agenda

    • The chair has the discretion to accept discussion on minor items [4]. However, the governing body or committee cannot make any resolutions, other than to refer to another meeting for further discussion. If the chair chooses to accept a minor item, he/she must acknowledge at the beginning of the public section of the meeting that this item will be discussed [5].

  4. Notices of motion

    • A member of the governing body may give notice of a motion they propose to move at a meeting. The mover must sign the notice, stating at which meeting they want it to be considered. The notice must be delivered to the chief executive at least five working days before the meeting [6].

    • For further information on notices of motion, refer to standing orders 1.9 and 2.5.



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