4.6 The mayor's relationship with IMSB and Māori


  1. The mayor maintains a professional relationship with the IMSB and may facilitate its relationship with the governing body. The style and frequency of contact between the mayor and the IMSB may develop according to the preferences of both parties at the time. 

    • The mayor has a role in ensuring that the council fulfils its duties to the IMSB [1].

    • The mayor should consult the IMSB where the exercise of the mayoral powers will affect mana whenua groups and mataawaka [2].

    • The mayor should take into account the IMSB’s advice to ensure the input of mana whenua groups and mataawaka is reflected in the council’s strategies, policies, and plans. This obligation particularly impacts on the mayor’s role in leading the development of the council’s plans, policies and budgets [3], and in establishing processes and mechanisms for engaging the people of Auckland [4].

  2. The mayor represents the governance arm of the council to mana whenua and mataawaka groups. This role is performed in a manner that reflects the mana of the mayor as the leader of the council.



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