4.1.6 Representing and speaking for the council


  1. The mayor is the council’s principal representative to the public. In certain contexts, he/she is also the region’s public representative.

  2. By convention, the mayor represents the council at public events and ceremonies, to central government and to other external groups (such as Local Government New Zealand, iwi and foreign dignitaries and organisations). The mayor may approve delegates (including other council elected members) to perform this role, but it is not appropriate for elected members to usurp the mayor’s public representative role without his/her agreement [1].

  3. The mayor also represents the council at various international forums, such as mayoral and sister cities forums. These relationships are generally city-based rather than involving central government.

  4. The mayor has a leadership role in maintaining the council’s relationships with council organisations. He/she represents the council’s governance arm with CCOs and the Independent Māori Statutory Board

  5. The mayor’s role as the council’s leader and representative is distinct from his/her own political views. The mayor will clarify in which capacity he/she is speaking as appropriate.

  6. The mayor is able to perform other functions consistent with his/her statutory role, including exercising any powers or functions delegated by the governing body.



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