8.2.3 Meetings and agendas


  1. Each panel has three scheduled meetings and up to seven workshops.

  2. Scheduled meetings are open to the public and any of the council’s elected members. Workshops are also held to discuss plans under development, and these are for panel members, governing body members and relevant council staff.

  3. Work programmes and strategic agendas are developed to focus discussions and enable integrated input across the panels into matters of common relevance such as programmes of work under the Auckland Plan's Belonging and Participation outcome.  For this term, the panels will also focus on climate change and the environment.

  4. Liaison councillors and council staff assist panel members in developing the work programmes and any subsequent changes. These are then approved by the Parks, Arts and Events Committee.

  5. Advisory panels are encouraged to facilitate occasional community forums or online engagement between community members and council staff. Panel members work with staff where appropriate to ensure these activities complement council engagement commitments and processes.



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